Each flag dimensions: 330mm (H) x 550mm (W)
Click here to view Pride flag and Maps & Banners
These Australian flags are printed on corflute so are waterproof and suitable for outdoor use. Please note as a seller we are not permitted to put an eyelet on them but as a purchase you can easily drill a hole for easy attachment to fence alternatively we find valco works very well or double sided tape
Australian National Flag -The National Flag of Australia contains three elements The British Union Jack on a blue field - reflecting the historical origins of the Australian flag, The Southern Cross - reflecting Australia's geographic position in the Southern Hemisphere, and A seven pointed star - representing the Federation of six states, with an additional point to represent the territories collectively.
Australian Aboriginal Flag - A flag to represent and identify Australian Aboriginal people did not exist until 12 July 1971 when a flag designed by Mr Harold Thomas was first flown in Adelaide. The red stripe represents the land and the black symbolises the Aboriginal people. The yellow circle represents the Sun, the giver of life.
Torres Strait Islander Flag - A flag was adopted in May 1992 to represent the Torres Strait Islanders. The design is attributed to Mr Bernard Namok and copyright is owned by the Torres Strait Island Coordinating Council. The green stripes represent the land, the blue stripe represents the sea and the black symbolises the people. The central device is a Dhari, a dancer's headdress with a 5-pointed star star to symbolise the five island groups in Torres Strait.
Flags may be displayed throughout the year. You can avoid tokenism by firstly explaining to children what they are, what they represent and the meanings of the flags. These are weatherproof so can be displayed inside or outside
This resource assist with Quality Area 6 and EYLF & My Time Our Place Learning Outcome 1 & 2