Tank Water

Tank Water

A simple way to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability practices is the use of the water tank to water the garden. This corflute weatherproof sign is perfect to leave outdoors near the water tank it will assist with Quality Area 3, Element 3.3.2.   www.pdfeducationsupplies.com.au Benefits of rainwater in gardens Not only can rainwater use in gardens reduce demand on mains systems, it has some a range of benefits, some of which are little-known. Nitrogen It might be a surprise to many of use, but rain water contains some nitrogen. Two types of nitrogen are formed during rain, ammonia – an atmospheric gas that dissolves in rainwater – and nitrate which is produced by the reaction of water and atmospheric nitrogen by lightning during storms. It can also be collected from particles in the air caused by various industrial processes. Rainwater may contain more nitrogen than mains water due to its absorption...
Kelly Huntley - Feb 04, 2016
Dangers of Leaving Children in Cars

Dangers of Leaving Children in Cars

Most parents and caregivers think that they would never make such a mistake -  sure, we often forget to pack at least one thing in our suitcase, but a child is super obvious, right? Unfortunately, our brains sometimes betray us in the most unthinkable ways. Busy schedules, sleep deprivation, changes in routine and simple misunderstandings can distract us much more easily than you think. The Hard Truths Every year in Australia, over 5000 children are rescued after being left unattended in a car. Adults generally understand on an anecdotal level that the temperature of a car will increase (particularly on a hot Summer's day), but it may not be commonly known that the temperature can more than double in minutes. Even if the windows are down, or the car is parked in the shade. Did you know that the body temperature of a child heats up three to five times...
Kelly Huntley - Dec 30, 2015
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