Save water reminder

Save water reminder

To encourage children to develop good sustainability habits sometimes they just need a visual reminder (this also can apply to adults) We have in our collection some vinyl sticker to help out - Turn the lights off and Turn the tap off.  Just by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime, you can save up to 30 litres of water! That adds up to more than 900 litres a month, enough to fill a huge fish tank that holds 6 small sharks! The same is true when you wash dishes. Turn off the tap! Scrape your dirty dishes into the trash—then put them in the dishwasher.
Kelly Huntley - Aug 18, 2016
Bush Tucker Garden

Bush Tucker Garden

Planting a Bush Tucker garden is a great way to educate children more about Aboriginal Traditions.  PDF Education Supplies have made this weatherproof sign to display in your Bush Tucker garden, Benefits of Bush Tucker Tea According to legend, tea originated over 5000 years ago when a couple of tree leaves fell into a cup of boiling water. Today, tea is one of the most consumed drinks in the world, second only to water. "Indigenous Australians have been harvesting, collecting and making excellent use of the land's natural resources for thousands of years," says native bush food expert and author of The Outback Chef, Jude Mayall. "The unique flavours of Australian spices, fruits and herbs make spectacular teas that have endless health benefits." What can Australian bush tea do for your health and wellbeing? • Strawberry Gum, Rose & Blackberry – Relaxes your body and soul • Roasted Wattleseed & Pepperberry...
Kelly Huntley - Aug 15, 2016
First Aid Kit Sticker

First Aid Kit Sticker

Recommended First Aid Supplies, please keep a fully stocked first aid kit within easy reach of all caregivers but out of reach of children.  Check your kit(s) regularly, and restock as necessary.  Your first aid kit should include; Box of nonporous disposable gloves Sealed packages of alcohol wipes or antiseptic Small scissors Cold pack Tweezers (for removing splinters) Thermometer Adhesive bandage tape Sterile gauze squares (50mm and 75 mm) Triangular bandages Flexible roller gauze (25mm and 50mm widths) Safety pins Eye dressing Insect-sting preparation Pencil and notepad Syrup of ipecac Small Splints Sealable plastic bags for soiled materials PDF Education Supplies also have a weatherproof outdoor CPR Chart which is handy to display.  
Kelly Huntley - Aug 02, 2016
Egg Allergies Stickers

Egg Allergies Stickers

Food allergies in children are common and can be due to peanuts, other tree nuts (brazil, cashew, hazelnuts, almonds), fish, shellfish, eggs, wheat, milk, milk products, soy, seed and some fruits. Food allergies are more common in children under 5 years of age than in older children because young children may grow out of food allergies. The commonest food allergies are due to milk, egg and peanut. Peanut allergy is the most likely allergy to need availability of adrenaline. Other substances to which children can have a severe allergic reaction are drugs (especially antibiotics and vaccines), bees, other insect stings, and some plants. The most severe form of allergic reaction to any substance is anaphylaxis and effective immediate management requires adrenaline. Where a child is known to have a susceptibility to severe allergy or anaphylaxis to a particular food, have a “food free policy” for that particular food, e.g. a...
Kelly Huntley - Jul 28, 2016
Different sinks have specific purposes

Different sinks have specific purposes

For health and safety reasons sinks have different uses within an Early Childhood Service.  PDF have created a range of vinyl sticker to show the ONLY purpose of a particular sink and water will run off them so they are perfect for wet areas. * Dishwashing only sink * Paint only sink * Handwashing only sink   
Kelly Huntley - Jun 25, 2016
Have a safe waving point in Childcare

Have a safe waving point in Childcare

Separation anxiety in children is when children fear being parted from their parents or guardians. It’s common and normal among babies and toddlers. A very small number of preschoolers and school-age children develop a more serious form of the condition, called separation anxiety disorder. There are things you can do if you have a child with either of these issues. Identifying separation anxiety in children Separation anxiety reaches its peak in babies aged 14-18 months and typically decreases throughout early childhood. Stranger anxiety is similar to separation anxiety and involves wariness and distress in the presence of unfamiliar people. It can occur from 7-10 months and usually decreases after the child’s first birthday. These anxieties are a normal part of development, and are nothing to be concerned about. After all, these anxieties happen when children are becoming more mobile, so they make sense from a survival point of view. That...
Kelly Huntley - Jun 24, 2016
Worm Farming

Worm Farming

There are many benefit to having a worm farm It requires very little space It does not produce bad smells. It does not produce green house gases It can be done outdoors and indoors. It can process organic waste in a short time It saves you money on fertilizers, soil conditioners and pesticides It produces Worm Tea (liquid worm castings) which is both a natural pest repellent and organic fertilizer It produces Worm Castings which are amongst the best organic fertilizers known to man It produces a surplus of earthworms or compost wormswhich can improve your garden's soil in many ways It produces a continues supply of big fat fishing worms It takes less than 10 minutes of maintenance per week It can be easily turned into a profitable worm composting fund raiser for your early learning service.
Kelly Huntley - Jun 24, 2016
Heal The Past and Build The Future

Heal The Past and Build The Future

Closing the Gap, Reconciliation, and Sorry Day we need to work together. We should always respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. This latest sign from PDF Education Supplies is our sign of respect. "As Australians, we are all here, woven into this country. As part of our reconciliation journey, there are truths to tell, stories to celebrate, and relationships to grow. Reconciliation is at the heart of our nations’ future. Join us on our nation’s reconciliation journey." Reconciliation Australia
Kelly Huntley - Jun 24, 2016
Dangers of Leaving Children in Cars

Dangers of Leaving Children in Cars

Most parents and caregivers think that they would never make such a mistake -  sure, we often forget to pack at least one thing in our suitcase, but a child is super obvious, right? Unfortunately, our brains sometimes betray us in the most unthinkable ways. Busy schedules, sleep deprivation, changes in routine and simple misunderstandings can distract us much more easily than you think. The Hard Truths Every year in Australia, over 5000 children are rescued after being left unattended in a car. Adults generally understand on an anecdotal level that the temperature of a car will increase (particularly on a hot Summer's day), but it may not be commonly known that the temperature can more than double in minutes. Even if the windows are down, or the car is parked in the shade. Did you know that the body temperature of a child heats up three to five times...
Kelly Huntley - Dec 30, 2015
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