Importance of displaying Flags

Importance of displaying Flags

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced a long history of exclusion from Australian history books, the Australian flag, the Australian anthem and for many years, Australian democracy. This history of dispossession and colonisation lies at the heart of the disparity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other Australians today.   “[Acknowledgement of Country] says to the world, and more importantly to ourselves, that we accept the fact we are in a place that has a history and story far beyond 220 years. It says to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fellow Australians that we are all in the future journey of our country together.” — Richard Wynne, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Victoria   EYLF Outcome 4.3: Children are confident and involved learners when they transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another, for example, when they make connections between experiences, concepts and processes.  ...
Kelly Huntley - Sep 23, 2024
Do you have a Climbing problem at your ELC or School?

Do you have a Climbing problem at your ELC or School?

Children will find the smallest of gaps and some how manage to squeeze through and their toes are sure talented  able to climb up gates.  This creates a major problem if you are running a home based FDC, Early Education Service, OSHC or School. PDF Education Supplies have the solution to this problem with our stunning ART prints.  They are flat and you choose the height and width to cover up the escape area. They will bring interest and make your outdoor area safer.  We have a large number of different prints available.  They are sent Australia wide and easy to install.
Kelly Huntley - Mar 27, 2023
Wall Art

Wall Art

Wall Art The beauty of our wall art is it is maintenance free, making it a cheaper more sustainable alternative to outdoor art.  Benefits to Early Learning, Schools and Hospitals boost morale and wellbeing give life to old or unloved buildings improve learning outcomes add character to new builds or extensions transform certain areas of the school pool areas, playgrounds  and other outdoor spaces We work with Artists to bring you stunning affordable Outdoor Art.
Kelly Huntley - Dec 01, 2022
Art Prints for Fences and Wall Murals

Art Prints for Fences and Wall Murals

We have a range of beautiful art prints which we print on metal and apply a protective coating over so they last outdoors for years in all weather conditions. Also available for indoor use We have 4 different sizes on our website, but we also custom print them to your needs.  Visit our website to learn more.  We work closely with our Indigenous Artists and Australian Artists to bring you the most stunning range of affordable artwork.
Kelly Huntley - Jul 27, 2022
Why we use safety Acrylic mirrors

Why we use safety Acrylic mirrors

Our  acrylic mirrors are among the most asked after products on our website as they are safe to use around children and have rounded corners for added safety. Impact resistant, light weight and cost effective are a few of the key reasons you could be opting for Acrylic mirror instead of glass, making them a safe item for children. Acrylic mirrors are 17 times stronger than glass. Acrylic mirrors are scratch resistant not scratch proof. 
Kelly Huntley - Mar 19, 2022
Acknowledgement of Country

Acknowledgement of Country

We are so proud of our fantastic staff member Alan Coleman who has made this wonderful Acknowledgement of Country sign.  Alan  is of Indigenous heritage with roots to 2 Indigenous tribes Kalkadoon from Mt Isa and Waanya from Gulf of Carpentaria and he has designed and printed this resource.
Kelly Huntley - Mar 01, 2022
Why children should Acknowledge Indigenous Australians

Why children should Acknowledge Indigenous Australians

An Acknowledgement of Country is a way to show respect to the Traditional Owners of Australia. By saying a daily Acknowledgement of Country it encourages children to engage with diversity and show respect. Our wooden sign is a wonderful addition to ALL Educational facilities.
Kelly Huntley - Feb 11, 2022
Show the love you have put into making your garden

Show the love you have put into making your garden

Garden Grown With Love  SignIf you love your garden this is a beautiful addition. Printed on outdoor metal it shows how much love has gone into making your garden a special place.Ideal for home use and early education services.    
Kelly Huntley - Feb 10, 2022
Why teach children Auslan at an early age

Why teach children Auslan at an early age

We all know children are like sponges at an early age and by teaching children how to sign using Australian Auslan while in early education they are affectively learning a second langage. The ability to communite with someone who is hearing impared is a beautiful thing to be able to do. Acceptance and Inclusion. PDF Education Supplies have made these individual wooden alphabet for Auslan and also a sign language alphabet chart when put together can be a matching sorting game also.  
Kelly Huntley - Feb 02, 2022
Benefits of Yoga

Benefits of Yoga

Why we should all be practicing Yoga :- * Promotes Self-esteem and Confidence * Increase strength, flexibility and balance * Improves focus and attention * Cultivates respect for self and others
Kelly Huntley - Oct 05, 2021
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